Transportation Committee Meeting August 11th 7pm

The August public meeting for the Safe, Sustainable, and Equitable Transportation Committee for ANC 3C will be held on Wednesday, August 11, 2021, beginning at 7:00pm Online. All are welcome to hear the issues presented below. No decisions are made at this meeting. Please visit for updates prior to the meeting.


  • Committee objectives, function, and processes along with community members and engagement
  • Minimizing the burdens on local businesses of current and planned Washington Gas, WMATA, and DDOT work along Connecticut Avenue and the service lane
  • Designation of specific loading/unloading and PUDO areas to prevent double-parking on Connecticut and to relieve the blocking of Ordway Street
  • Next steps for Connecticut Avenue Reversible Lane Study and rush-hour parking along Connecticut Avenue
  • Developing a comprehensive transportation plan for Cleveland Park
The following Zoom link for ANC 3C’s Transportation Committee Meeting is a registration link only. You will be asked to provide your email address in order to receive the Zoom login link, which will be emailed to you immediately upon registration. The email will include a link to join the meeting as well as a passcode which will be necessary if you choose to join the meeting via phone rather than computer.  ANC 3C will not retain or disclose your email address.

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Aug 11, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Sauleh Siddiqui

Commissioner, ANC 3C05
Twitter: @saulehforanc