ANC 3C Transportation Committee Meeting Wednesday, October 13, 7:00pm

The October public meeting for the Safe, Sustainable, and Equitable Transportation Committee for ANC 3C will be held on Wednesday, October 13, 2021, beginning at 7:00pm Online. All are welcome to hear the issues presented below. No decisions are made at this meeting. Please visit for updates prior to the meeting. Minutes of the previous meeting are here. The community is welcome to send agenda items to the chair at, a more detailed agenda will be sent closer to the meeting date.

  • Draft of problem statement for Cleveland Park Business District Loading/Unloading and Pickup/Dropoff

  • Demand for L1 Bus to be reinstated

  • Traffic around Hearst Park

  • Inventory of sidewalks and appeal to the Mayor to accelerate sidewalk program.

  • Updates on issues raised about dockless scooters

The following Zoom link for ANC 3C’s Transportation Committee Meeting is a registration link only. You will be asked to provide your email address in order to receive the Zoom login link, which will be emailed to you immediately upon registration. The email will include a link to join the meeting as well as a passcode which will be necessary if you choose to join the meeting via phone rather than computer.  ANC 3C will not retain or disclose your email address.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.