Planning, Zoning, Housing, and Economic Development Committee

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3C established its Planning, Zoning, Housing, & Economic Development Committee in 2023. The committee is tasked with:

  1. Identifying appropriate issues related to job creation and business development, including housing development and policy as well as individual project development;
  2. Working with developers, project proponents, and community based organizations to encourage the inclusion of affordable housing, multi-family units, and community amenities wherever possible;
  3. Making recommendations to the Commission regarding requests for zoning relief;
  4. Making recommendations to the Commission regarding Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) applications for commercial, multifamily, and institutional projects;
  5. Researching and reporting findings and provide recommendations to the Commission;
  6. Tracking and notifying the Commission of all relevant hearing dates; and Be the primary interface between the ANC and the area Main Street organizations.

All community members are welcome to attend all meetings.


  • Adam Prinzo (Co-Chair, Commissioner, ANC 3C02)
  • Erin Beard (Commissioner, ANC 3C04)
  • Gawain Kripke (Commissioner, ANC 3C07)
  • Janell Pagats (Co-Chair, Commissioner, ANC 3C03)
  • Jay Bose (Co-Chair, Commissioner, ANC 3C06)
  • John Goodman (Committee Member, 3C07)
  • Kathy Gibbins (Committee Member, 3C03)
  • Mac Hyde (Committee Member, 3C06)
  • Rick Nash (Commissioner, ANC 3C08)
  • Samuel Littauer (Commissioner, ANC 3C01)
  • Zach Shaben (Commissioner, ANC 3C05)

 ANC 3C Committees help connect the community to ANC 3C. Community members are welcome to join any of these committees. Contact your commissioner for more information about committees.