ANC3C Public Meeting – September 18, 2023
Date/Time: September 18, 2023 7:00 pm
Location: Zoom Meeting, Online, Washington, DC 20008
ANC3C September Public Meeting
Date/Time: September 18, 2023 7:00 pm
Location: Zoom Meeting, Online, Washington, DC 20008
Registration Link:
NOTE: *NEW* items including draft resolutions and letters are indicated
As a neighbor, there are several opportunities to participate in an ANC meeting: You can make an Announcement, or speak during the Community Forum, or you can ask to be recognized by the Chair to speak during the Commission Business.
If you have any questions or comments about the upcoming meeting, draft resolutions or letters, or have interest in formally joining a standing committee, email the Commissioners at
I. Establishment of Quorum
II. Verification of Notice – (Listservs: CP, WP, MAHCA, CAH, OG, QH Manager, Broadmoor Manager, Woodland Normandstone Liaison, NWC, KWTA, CP Main Streets, WP Main Street, CPCA, WPCA, ANC3C Notice List, Twitter and the ANC3C Website)
III. Approval of Agenda & Consent Calendar
IV. Consent Calendar
- Approval of July 2023 Meeting Minutes
- Resolution Regarding HPRB Application for 2964 Newark Street NW, HPA 23-503, renovation/addition *NEW* Draft available.
- Resolution Regarding Grave Concerns About Performance and Reliability at the Office of Unified Communications *NEW* Draft available
V. Announcements
- Single Member District Reports (5 mins)
- 3C03 update on Zoo Bus Parking & Connecticut Avenue Drop-off Operations *NEW* Details available on website
- Committee Reports (5 mins)
- Safe, Sustainable, and Equitable Transportation
- Transparency & Public Process
- Community Engagement & Grants
- Planning, Zoning, Housing, and Economic Development
- Residential Historic Preservation
- Environmental Justice
VI. Presentations
- Community Education Surrounding the Council’s Social Work License Modernization Amendment of 2023; Andrea Harrell, DBH (5 mins)
- Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection; Emir Gur-Ravantab | Account Manager, Office of the Director; (5 mins presentation, 5 mins Q&A)
VII. Community Forum – (Members of the public are invited to ask questions and raise concerns about issues that are not otherwise on the agenda. Please limit time to 1 minute.)
VIII. Commission Business
- Discussion and Consideration of a Letter to HPRB Regarding the Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines (20 mins) *NEW* Draft available
- The Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines document has been submitted for consideration by the Historic Preservation Review Boards (HPRB) at their September session. A record of comments received during the public comment period was included with the submission. Thank you to the Cleveland Park, Woodley Park, and the broader community for engaging in this 14-month process. The resulting guidelines ensure that future growth and development contribute to greater equity across Rock Creek West while preserving these neighborhoods’ historic assets.
- Details regarding the HPRB meeting agenda and public participation can be found here.
- The submission and all project information is available here.
- Discussion and Consideration of a Letter to DDOT Regarding NOI – Conversion of 2-hour Metered Parking Zone to 30-minute Metered Parking Zone along the 3300-3400 block of Connecticut Avenue, NW (20 mins) *NEW* Draft available
- NOI available here.
- Discussion and Consideration of ANC3C Letter Reiterating Support for Concept C on Connecticut Avenue and Urging District Department of Transportation to Expedite Implementation on Connecticut Avenue (10 mins) *NEW* Draft available
- Discussion and Consideration of Letter in Support of Reinstallation of Trash Enclosure at 2616 Connecticut Avenue, NW (15 mins) *NEW* more information
- A potential grocer tenant for the former Ace Hardware retail space requires approval of use of Public Space on the 24th Street side of the building to meet trash storage requirements. Application has been filed with the DDOT Public Space Committee. This discussion is only regarding permission to use the public space and not on the design of the enclosure that would need to be approved by HPO and HPRB.
- Discussion on establishment of an ANC3C Public Safety Committee (10 mins)
- Comments with a proposed committee charter to be voted on at a following ANC meeting
- Treasurer’s Report: Q3FY23 Report, FY24Budget