ANC3C Public Meeting – October 15, 2018
Date/Time: October 15, 2018 7:30 pm
Location: Cleveland Park Library, 3310 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20008
The ANC meets every month. An agenda for the upcoming meeting is available here.
As a neighbor, there are several opportunities to present to the ANC during a meeting: You can make an Announcement, or speak during the Community Forum, or you can asked to be recognized by the Chair during the Commission Business.
If you have any questions about the upcoming meeting, email the Administrator, Rachel Worsham, at
I. Establishment of Quorum
Verification of Notice (Listservs: CP, WP, MAHCA, CAH, MG, OG, Ward3DC; QH Manager, Broadmoor Manager, Woodland Normandstone Liaison, NWC, Twitter and the ANC3C Website)
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Announcements
V. Community Forum – (Members of the public are invited to ask questions and raise concerns about issues that are not otherwise on the agenda.)
VI. Consent Calendar
- Historic Preservation Review Board application for infill of second floor rear porch and one-story addition in the rear at 3407 Lowell Street NW
VII. Commission Business
- Presentation from Department of Public Works regarding an Update on Leaf Collection Schedule from the Community Relations Specialist Celeste Duffie (unconfirmed)
- Consideration of a resolution to appeal to the BZA the decision of the Zoning Administrator finding that the addition of a large deck in the side yard of the future Ward 3 Short Term Family Housing program did not require a modification of the zoning order approving special exceptions to locate the temporary housing at the Second District Police Station, 3320 Idaho Avenue. The appeal would be limited to the outside structure and would not include any other aspects of the plans that were also changed after the zoning order was approved. If the appeal is approved, the ANC would consider a resolution at a future meeting concerning recommendations regarding the deck size and use.
VIII. Other Business
- Website Update
- Secretary's Report: Approval of Minutes from the September 17 meeting
- Treasurer's Report: Consideration of the FY19 Budget
- Administrative Issues: - SMD Reports - Other – Next Meeting Monday, September 17 at MPD.
IX. Adjournment
- The next meeting of ANC3C is scheduled for Monday, November 12, 2018 at 7:30pm at the Cleveland Park Library, 3310 Connecticut Avenue NW. Please check for any updates.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have a project or concern to be considered at this or any upcoming meeting, please contact your ANC Commissioner. Thank you!