ANC3C Public Meeting – November 20, 2023

Date/Time: November 20, 2023 7:00 pm

Location: Zoom Meeting, Online, Washington, DC 20008

ANC3C November 2023 NOTICE & DRAFT Agenda 

Date/Time: November 20, 2023 7:00 pm 

Location: Zoom Meeting, Online, Washington, DC 20008

Registration Link:

The ANC meets every month (with the exception of August). An agenda and draft materials for the upcoming meeting is available at


As a neighbor, there are several opportunities to participate in an ANC meeting: You can make an Announcement, or speak during the Community Forum, or you can ask to be recognized by the Chair to speak during the Commission Business.

If you have any questions or comments about the upcoming meeting, draft resolutions or letters, or have interest in formally joining a standing committee, email the Commissioners at

I. Establishment of Quorum

II. Verification of Notice (Listservs: CP, WP, MAHCA, CAH, OG, QH Manager, Broadmoor Manager, Woodland Normandstone Liaison, NWC, KWTA, CP Main Streets, WP Main Street, CPCA, WPCA, ANC3C Notice List, Twitter and the ANC3C Website)

III. Approval of Agenda & Consent Calendar 

IV. Consent Calendar

  1. Approval of October 2023 Meeting Minutes
  2. Resolution In Opposition To Washington Gas’ Application To The Dc Public Service Commission  For Approval Of The Projectpipes 3 Plan
  3. Resolution Regarding Modification of Consequence for BZA CASE NO. 20458-A, Washington International School 3100 Macomb St., N.W.
  4. Letter to Request to Convene a School Improvement Team (SIT) for MacArthur High School (MHS) and Construction of Promised Auditorium
  5. Resolution Requesting to Improve Menstrual Product Access in District of Columbia Public Libraries (DCPL)
  6. Resolution Supporting Bill 25-480, Addressing Legacies of Housing Segregation in Chevy Chase Amendment Act of 2023; Bill 25-481, Addressing Legacies of Housing Segregation in Rock Creek West Amendment Act of 2023; Bill 25-482, Releasing Restrictive Covenants in Deeds Act of 2023
  7. A Resolution Honoring Ghennet “Gigi” Ghebrecristos of Manhattan Market for Her Service to the Woodley Park Community.    *NEW*

V. Announcements 

  1. Single Member District Reports (5 mins)
  2. Committee Reports (5 mins)
    1. Safe, Sustainable, and Equitable Transportation
    2. Transparency & Public Process
    3. Community Engagement & Grants
    4. Planning, Zoning, Housing, and Economic Development
    5. Residential Historic Preservation
    6. Environmental Justice 
    7. Public Safety 
  3. Mayor, Council, Agency, Community Organizations (5 mins)


VI. Presentations 

  1. Julia J. Irving, Deputy Director of Community and Government Relations, DC Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement (ONSE) (10 mins)

VII. Community Forum – (Members of the public are invited to ask questions and raise concerns about issues that are not otherwise on the agenda. Please limit time to 1 minute.)

VIII. Commission Business

  1. ANC Annual Report
  2. Treasurer’s Report 

IX. Adjournment