ANC3C Public Meeting – June 18, 2018

Date/Time: June 18, 2018 7:30 pm

Location: Maret School, 3000 Cathedral Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20008

The ANC meets every month.

As a neighbor, there are several opportunities to present to the ANC during a meeting: You can make an Announcement, or speak during the Community Forum, or you can asked to be recognized by the Chair during the Commission Business.

If you have any questions about the upcoming meeting, email the ANC 3C Administrator at

I. Establishment of Quorum

II. Verification of Notice (Listservs: CP,WP, MAHCA, CAH, MG, OG, Ward3DC,; QH Manager, Broadmoor Manager, Woodland Normandstone Liaison, NWC, Twitter and the ANC3C Website)

III. Approval of Agenda

IV. Announcements

V. Community Forum – (Members of the public are invited to ask questions and raise concerns about issues that are not otherwise on the agenda.)

VI. Consent Calendar

  1. None

VII. Commission Business

VIII. Other Business

IX. Adjournment

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have a project or concern to be considered at this or any upcoming meeting, please contact your ANC Commissioner. Thank you!